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Monday, July 18, 2011

Key Web Design Pointers

Keep in consistent. Whether it's colors, images or menus, consistency is key when designing a site. If every page looks completely different, the Website looks like a mess, comparable to a kindergartener's painting on the refrigerator. But if you maintain a similar look on each page your site will look more professional.

Be simple with your design. It can be very tempting to use several bright colors, but on the internet, less is more. Two or three colors used in varied ways throughout the site will keep each page fresh, but won't overload the senses of the viewer. Remember they are looking at the site on a computer screen, which is already tough on the eyes.

Pay attention to headers and menu bars. A header at the top of the page, be it your name, keeps the main subject of the site in the viewer's mind and helps keep the site from looking scattered and incomplete. A menu bar featuring links to each page on the site will also be very beneficial, creating an ease in navigation throughout the site.

Breaks up text with pictures and graphics. Pictures and graphics help break up the text and make your site look less like a text book, and more personal and relaxed. They also can add a bit of fun.

Keep these tips in mind, and keep them consistent throughout the site, and every if you feel you don't have creative bone in your body, your site will look as if you hired someone to make it for you.

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Anatomy of an HTML file

HTML, or hypertext Markup Language, is a language that uses text and a defined set of commands (known as tags) to create a World Wide Web page.

  • HTML
    Every HTML page file has a beginning and an end. These are defined by 'beginning' and 'ending' tags. The tag <HTML> needs to be at the start of the code.
  • HEAD
    The <HEAD> tag doesn't display on the web page, but you should get into the habit of putting it in. This tag is a container for all the head elements. These can include page title, scripts, style sheet instructions and most importantly provide meta information for search engine.
    The title tag defines the title of the document and is a required element in the head section. Each page should have a descriptive title that clearly identifies the content of the page and the site itself. It's best to use the name of your webpage, for instance: "Beginners Guide to HTML".
  • BODY
    The body tag opens the document's body section. This section contains the main elements of an HTML document, such as hyperlinks text, pictures, tables, forms and lists. A well-written introduction will help to hook the user. When they enter they want a quick idea of whether the page is of interest - it's the text and graphical state of your site that will decide whether they stay or go.
  • /HTML
    </HTML> at the end of the code. Note: The / in the second tag. All HTML end tags need to contain this character. This slash indicates an operation has finished.
  • P
    The <P> tag is a paragraph tag. A <P> tag instructs a browser to create space above and below the tag, thus separating text into paragraphs.
  • H1
    The <H1> to <H6> tags are used to define HTML headings and sub headings. <H1> displays the largest heading and <H6> displays the smallest heading.



<TITLE>Beginners Guide to HTML</TITLE>

<H1>What is the structure of an HTML Page</H1>

<P>This is the source code (HTML file) used to make your own Web page.</P>

<P> This HTML code, can be saved as an HTML file. To do this write you code using a word processor then go to the file menu, choose SAVE AS and give your document a file name, for instance my homepage. Finally add the extention.html. as myhomepage.html</P>



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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Choosing a Web Host

Getting your website onto the World Wide Web requires you to store the page somewhere where web browsers can find it, usually on a hosting services server. To do this you need to locate a reputable and reliable hosting service. This is a service you will have to pay for. Remember, you will only get the service you pay for so it can be false economy to seek out the cheapest options.

A hosting service typically has hundreds or thousands of computer called servers. These servers are connected to the internet pages copied to these servers, and will be visible to the internet by virtue of their internet connection.

Hot service come in all shapes and sizes. It is relatively east to start a hosting service, but it is difficult to continuously offer a great service, so it's important to watch out for the cowboys. Some hosting services offer web-based site-builders. The Website builders allow you to quickly build a Website using predefined templates and publish your site without having to upload files are already there. Other service to look out for are online shops, blogs, web mail and FTP service. You can even choose where in the world you want your Website to be hosted by using a global host.

There are many issues involved in finding a good web host. It is a good idea to check out customer feedback and hosting service reviews by other users before you sign up.

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How do I get a URL?

You get a URL by registering a domain name, which will be attached to your website. By register an official address for your web site on the World Wide Web. Only you can use this address and it is your property. Once you have your domain name you have a little slice of the World Wide Web and the URL that goes with this address means search engines and the rest of the world's internet surfers can find you too.
You can you register a domain name with a domain registration service for as little as 99 pence for year's registration. However, it is vital that you set up a system to renew this registration as it would be a disaster if you lost of time building into a useful Website. You can register a domain from 1 to 10 years.

Once registered, your address is added to the central"address book" of all the world's domain names kept by nominet. When a URL (web address) is typed into a browser needs to know where a domain can be found amongst the vast pile of information that is the World Wide Web. To do this, the browser will use the address book to find the server holding your website.

Once you have registered your domain you will also have a Website address, foe example, www. karentaylor.me.uk. Type the address into a web browser such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Firefox and a temporary webpage that is usually provided by your registrar will be displayed.

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Top Website creation Myths

  • Myth 1: Web design is for Geeks
    Geeks can create web pages but so can everyone else. Web hosting cloud-based solutions. Web-based wizards guide you through the building process, allowing you to select a template, edit a page, add content and publish your website directly to the web. Many web hosting companies offer you need to build and manage your site including a domain name and server storage.

  • Myth 2: Flash makes websites cool
    It is true Flash can make your website look good, but use too much and your website will be slow and your users will lose patience and leave before your website even gets chance to be displayed; not so cool then.
    You need to think of all your users as some may not have a high speed connection. An animation that loads quickly on your PC may take some time to load in a remote browsers.
    These days most websites use some flash content so most users have downloaded the flash plug-in, but those who have not will have to wait while the plug-in downloads.
    When using Flash content, beta-test it on a small audience and get their feedback before publishing your site.
    It is a good idea also to offer your website users an opportunity to view a "non flash" version of your site

  • Myth 3: Lots of bright colors make a website look good
    Too many colors will confuse your site users and make it tiring just to look at. At the end of the day your visitors are there to learn from your website. This means they will be doing a certain amount of reading. If you make reading your content difficult by using low contrast colors or placing text on unreadable backgrounds, your readers will give up and go elsewhere.
    You should color-theme your site using just 2 to 3 colors max. Use dark text on light backgrounds. Remember to make sure your hyperlinks are the same color on every page and buttons for similar operations are the same color.

  • Myth 4: Titles
    Give your users a clue as to what sort of content a web page contains. You need to add titles to every page on your site. These titles need to be relevant to both the page and your site. Each title should be unique and succinctly describe the content found on the web page. If you used a template to produce your web pages, the template may already have titles for the pages, but the titles will not necessarily be relevant and your site will be better if you put a little effort into changing them.

  • Myth 5: Images (size does matter)
    Images are one of the fastest ways of changing the look of your web pages. You can use image HTMLs as text headline replacement, buttons, links or just eye candy, so images are good. However, if you don't optimise images for the web, the time they take download and display will drive your users away and this is bad! Internet images do not need to be high resolution or massive size. There are many software programs which will optimise your images automatically for you. Adobe's Imageready is a good example.

  • Myth 6: Lots of Images add interest to your site
    It is important to remember that images can consume bandwidth. The more images your website has. the slower it will load. As a rule of thumb, a webpage that doesn't load within 10 seconds will lose most casual visitors. You should be aiming for a total webpage size around 30k - 50k including all pictures and the HTML code.
    A quick tips is to include the "height" and "width" HTML attribute on all your images so your text will load first instead of waiting until the images load.

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    Basic HTML

    Although it's possible to make an entire site without using html code, or knowing it, learning a few basic characters can be helpful when trying to fine tune your design. Be sure, if you use these characters, to edit them in html window.

    Placing a lowercase character in between two angled brackets  before a word, or group of words will change the format of the letters. After the phrase or section you are editing use a backslash and lowercase letter between another two angled brackets. The angled brackets without the slash order where to start the change, and the angled brackets with the slash order where to stop the edit. For example, to bold a group of words use a lowercase "b" between the angled brackets: <b>a group of word</b> in the html view will show up as: a group of words in your design.

    To italicise a word or group of words, a lowercase "i" is used. For example: <i>a group of words</i> in the html view will show up as : a group of words in your design.

    To underline, use a lowercase "u." For example: <u>a group of word </u> in the html view show up as: a group of words in your design.

    If you are making a list and want to cross items off, you can use a strikethrough. In between the angled brackets you can use either a lowercase "s" or write the word "strike"

    For example: <s> a group of words </s> OR <strike>a group of words</strike> in the html view will show up as: a group of words in your designed.

    Finally, if you want to add a line of space between paragraphs or objects, using a lowercase "br" between the brackets will achieve this. This is called a "break" and there is no need to follow it with a backslashed version. For example: will add a line of space between text. Adding a second will add another line.

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    Site Marketing

    Getting your site noticed is the most important step when creating your website, but you would be surprised how many website creators ignore this step. The simplest form of marketing is to submit it to search engines like Google and Bing.
    For example Bing's Site Submission Page URL is http://www.bing.com/webmaster/SubmitSitePage.aspx. You can also advertise your site and post blogs. Search Engine Optimisation can cost you nothing and help you move your site up the search engine rankings. You might also try buying banner ads on other Websites. Online advertising prices can be cheapter than you think.

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    Designing your Web Pages

    Once you have secured your domain name and signed up to a hosting service, the next step is to build the website it self. A Website is merely a collection of web pages brought together by a home page. This simple website could indeed consist of just one home page.

    There are four ways to create a website.
    • The first and easiest way is to use a web-based wizard. These wizards guide you through the process of creating your website, allowing you to build your site using a selection of templates. You can then tailor these templates choosing color themes and type styles. Once done, the wizard will publish your site to the web for you.
    • The second way is to build your site is using a template - a third-party designed set of pages that can be changed to reflect your needs. Design templates are created by web designers who have a lot of experience designing sites. These templates look and feel professional and give you a big head-start over something you would produce as a beginner. Website design templates can be found in various formats. Some can be images for use in packages like Flash, others are HTML-based files editable with HTML editors like Dreamweaver, GoLive, FrontPage etc.
    • The third way is to an HTML editor like FrontPage or Dreamweaver.
    • HTML editors vary in features and how you build your site. Some how your site as it will look on the internet and some use a combination of code and images to produce y our site. Using an HTML editing package will give you greater flexibility than the previous methods so you can make your site look unique, however you have to be a good web designer to make it look good and make it usable.
    • Finally, you can hand-code your HTML in a text editor like Notepad: here you type in the HTML code your self. Nobody really uses this method these days however this way of creating pages gives you the most control over your web pages. Design your home page first as the design decisions you make for your home page can be cascaded down to all the pages on your Website. Choosing logos, colors and layouts are important to the look and style of the website. However, never let looks overtake your mission or the functionally of your site. In a fight between design and usability, usability should always win. Unless you are building the site yourself, try to split design and programming. You will end up with better looking pages if you design the layouts of your web pages first and then use programming to implement designs rather than being constrained by we editor.
    Before you go live with your site set up a beta site and test it again. When you do go live, avoid publishing your site on a Friday, as if any gremlins pop up then fixing them and getting tech support over the weekend can be a pain.

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    Tuesday, June 21, 2011
